Cambria Center for the Arts is all about community, and is managed entirely with volunteers who love the arts.
Commitments range from one-time shifts to ongoing leadership roles, we are grateful for whatever time and energy you have available now. All skill levels and talents are welcome, and training is provided for all roles. We also understand that people are frequently interested in more than a single art, and encourage you to participate in as many of the different activities as you please.
Sign up below to receive notices of volunteer opportunities!
Gallery Docent Commitment
Saturday and Sundays
(1) 4-hour shifts during the length of the show that you are in.
Cambria Center for the Arts Gallery hosts some of the best art on the Central Coast. Our doors can only remain open if we have enough people signed up to docent. The responsibilities include sales, helping visitors with questions about the art and artists, offering dates and times for other CCA events, and generally keeping the Gallery looking sharp. Training will be given.

Theatre Volunteers
If you've ever wanted to be part of the magic of putting on a show in a great venue with fun people, there's a place for you here at the Cambria Center for the Arts Theatre. We put on many events during the year, from formal plays to concerts ,readings, films and lectures, all of which provide opportunities not just for performance but for many fun backstage roles.
Your community theatre needs range widely:
- obviously actors - singing and dancing optional. But also directors, writers, musicians etc.
- background technical skills - sound or light? hemming costumes? painting sets? projection?
- one-time show-specific help such as ushers to show people to their seats, box office people to take the occasional payments, or house managers to welcome the public and make sure coffee is not running out.
Volunteers for events get free admission to that or future events.
If you want to help on a specific production, be a director or actor in a show, please see the auditions page for signing up, or email theatre@cambriaarts.org.

Youth Program Volunteer
Ongoing opportunities
The CCA Youth program provides free arts classes to Cambria and San Simeon youth grades K - 8 ages 6 - 14. Classes are held after school once a month and more often during the summer. Instructors and general assistance in the classes are needed! If you would like to participate or learn more, email learning@cambriaarts.org.

Cambria Film Festival Volunteer
Seeking Film Lovers
It truly takes a village to put on a world-class film festival each February. And our work goes on throughout the year. If you’d like to donate some of your leadership skills in any of these areas, visit cambriafilmfestival.com
Marketing. Managing collateral, public relations and social media. A few hours each month throughout the year
Fundraising. Reaching out to local donors and merchants to help support the festival with funds or donated goods. Several hours each month between June and October.
Event management. Putting together our great parties. Several hours each month from October on, with on-site support during the festival events
Volunteer management. Leading volunteer recruitment, assignment, training and support. Most work is between November and the end of the festival.
Box office. Helping to set up ticket sale and managing ticket distribution. Several hours each month beginning around November 1, with on-site support during the festival week.
Programming. Helping to manage the overall process of reviewing film submissions, assigning them to screening and support the selection and judging committees to finalize programming. A few hours each week from early May through mid-November.
Technical support and screening. Working the equipment during the actual festival and supporting the on-site technical staff. Mostly in January with on-site support during the festival week.
Filmmaker relations. Serving as concierge to filmmakers whose films are accepted to the festival. A few hours each week between early December and mid-January, with on-site support during the festival week.

Marketing Committee
Marketing Committee
The Center is looking for help promoting our programs and events! If you have experience in marketing, public relations, graphic design or social media we would love to get you involved in spreading the word.
Contact president@cambriaarts.org for details