Donate to CCA
The Cambria Center for the Arts is a 501(c)3 California public benefit corporation that supports the arts in our community. Donations of all levels are welcome. They will be used as needed unless directed by the donor toward a sponsorship or a specific area. CCA’s federal tax ID number is 23-7150582.
We appreciate your support and would like to include you in the list of our donors on our website. If you would like to be recognized, let us know the name(s) to include by listing them in the "What name(s) would you prefer for recognition?* section of the form. Type "anonymous" if you prefer to remain anonymous.
If your donation is a tribute to someone, we are happy to honor them -- just check the Dedicate button and fill in the name(s).
Donate now with the button below and pay with a credit card, Apple or Google Pay, eCheck, or mail-in check.
A monthly donation option is available.
If you prefer to donate by mail, please download our form and mail it to the CCA at P.O. Box 184, Cambria, CA, 93428. Please do not send it to the Center. Thank you!,

Help us do even more: more access to the community, more programming, more classes, and more impact. Between now and the end of 2026, we’re raising $200,000 to support a broader, more sustainable vision. Gifts to the campaign are used for areas beyond general support. Help us honor our past and secure our future by making a one-time gift, or monthly commitment.
Become a CCA member
Become a member which gives you both access to membership benefits and voting rights. The full cost of your membership donation may be tax deductible.