Art Lectures
An Introduction to Modern Art with John Seed - Monthly Series
March - What is Modernism?

Sign up each month to join John Seed for a segment of a series of 14 lectures on the history of modern art and architecture. The lectures will run 45-50 minutes and will be followed by a short Q and A session. These lectures are based on college courses, but will be presented in an approachable way and are suitable for anyone with an interest in art. Topics: 1. What is Modernism? 2. The Mechanical Paradise and Paul Cezanne 3. Early Picasso 4. Picasso, Braque and Cubism 5. DaDa 6. Russian Modernism 7. The Landscape of Pleasure and Claude Monet 8. Henri Matisse 9. Modern Architecture 10. Surrealism 11. Expressionism and Edvard Munch 12. Abstract Expressionism and Jackson Pollock 13. Pop Art and Andy Warhol 14. Postmodernism
Instructor Bio:
John Seed is a Professor Emeritus in Art and Art History at Mount San Jacinto College where he taught for 32 years. John has also taught at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena and Laguna College of Art and Design. He earned his BA in Studio Art at Stanford University and his Masters at UC Berkeley also in Studio Art.
Getting High On Nature - Karl Dempwolf
My Art Journey - Tigg Morales
Will explain my history with art and my process for this show: Birds Eye View
Tigg has created art throughout her life in one form or another, including interior design and architectural drafting. She received a degree from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in Graphic Communications. Eventually, she found her way to painting. She works with both oils and watercolors, in her studio and outdoors. She is inspired by the natural beauty of the sea, the trees, and the charming communities tucked along the coastline.
Begleiter - McPhee
Art Talk by Carolyn Chambres about Fiber Arts related to the Exhibit Entaglements |||
Art & Liz Sherwyn Lecture
"Beyond the Landscape"
Art Sherwyn presents and interactive talk called "Beyond the Landscape".